Divine Inspiration Transcribed!

December 2012
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Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 5:21 pm

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful solstice day. Even though today is the shortest day of the year, we know that tomorrow the days will begin to slowly become longer, bringing more light to us each day.

This solstice is special, in that it truly does mark the end of an era. The Mayans weren’t foretelling the end of the world, they were merely chronicling the normal passages of time. This particular time passage is about releasing fear, doubt, hate, and intolerance. We need to do this in order to be in alignment with the new energy of love and hope. Starting tomorrow, we are truly entering a time of illumination.

As I’ve probably said before, illumination is not just love and light. It is truth. Your truth and mine. More importantly, it is about acceptance of that truth. We are entering into a time of acceptance. Of accepting ourselves as we are, with all of our flaws. It’s a time of accepting others, even if we don’t agree with their politics or their lifestyle choices or with the way they plant their garden or raise their children!

This does not mean that we just shrug our shoulders when we see people in pain, folks hurting and abusing one another, and politicians messing up our lives. We certainly get to speak up and voice our own particular truth. Acceptance doesn’t mean giving up on humanity and letting the chaos created by others rule our lives.

What acceptance means is accepting who you are and accepting others as they are. But, you still get to choose who you hang out with, who you let into your “circle of trust,” who you trust to accept you as you are without trying to change you.

So, what does that have to do with hope? Many of you might be saying, “Look around at what’s happening in our country, in the world. What is there to be hopeful about?”

Here’s the deal: The beginning of this new era in human history can’t help but be hopeful because, if you’ve read Gregg Braden’s book, Fractal Time, you’d understand that we are at the beginning of a swing toward light. We’ve been fogging around in the darkness for far too long, and now we are on the trajectory toward light. Each year we see this happening in our year, as our trip around the sun takes us from long days of summer to long nights of winter. This also happens on a longer-period-of-time scale, written about by folks much smarter than I am, who study solar systems and universal movement.

Tomorrow we are, literally, at the day after the longest day, not just in our earthly year, but in our transit within the universe. We are, tomorrow, stepping into the first day of moving toward light and love, understanding and cooperation. We, as a planet, are moving toward clearer truth and deeper understanding.

Is everybody going to “get it” right away, or at all? No, this is a long journey, and each person gets to react to the new energy of light and love as they see fit. Some will push back harder and reject more strongly, the energy of love and acceptance, and that is perfectly fine. Some of you will read this and go “huh?” And that’s OK, too.

I just wanted to let you know that there is hope for humanity and our planet. Despite all of the crap you see on TV and hear from those around you, we really do get to experience positive change. And it starts now. With you. One person, one truth, one acceptance at a time.


In joy & love,


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