Divine Inspiration Transcribed!

December 2012
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Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 5:19 pm

I apologize for the weird words at the beginning of the Blessings Blogpost, as well as the disjointedness of the paragraphs and sentences. I have now learned that I should not write in Word, then copy and paste to the blog! I hope you read it and enjoy it anyway!


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Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 5:13 pm


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Today I am writing to talk about blessings. Every one of us
has them. We may even recognize them! But when we get caught up in our
day-to-day lives, we forget to notice them. We might not even realize they are


What do I mean? Well, are you in a comfortable place right
now? If it’s hot outside, are you in a cool spot? If it is cold outside, are
you someplace nice and toasty warm?


Are you hungry? Do you have enough to eat? Do you have the
funds or resources to feed yourself and your family?  Do you have family? Friends? People in your
life you can count on?


Do you enjoy your job? Do you have a job, even if it isn’t
very fulfilling? Do you count it as a blessing because it keeps you in food and
shelter, or do you dismiss it because you don’t like it very
much? It can be both, you know. Do you know why?


Blessings are in the eye of the receiver. What one person
considers a blessing, another might consider a burden. Like children. Some
people view their children as the best, most precious and wonderful event that
has ever happened to them. They cherish each day with their little loved ones—even
the ones who are at the snarky stage! Yet others look at their children as this
heavy, bothersome burden that they wish someone would take off of their
shoulders. Blessings are definitely based on your own perception.


Does that mean that you can’t get frustrated with your
kids/spouse/pet now and then? Of course not. You are human! People will frustrate
you, even the cute ones. But if, overall, they feel more like a blessing than a
curse, then that tells you that they are, indeed, a blessing.


But what about the things that happen in our lives that are
not so fun? The unexpected disease, job loss, break-up? What about those? Of
course those are not considered blessings unless…


Unless they are! If these unfortunate happenings are a way
to get you to make a necessary change, if down the road you can look back and
say, “That was the best thing that ever happened to me, even though I didn’t
think so at the time” then, yes, it is a blessing.


I’m not saying you have to look at everything as though it’s
a blessing. Some things are truly awful, and there is no discernable blessing there. And that’s
OK. I just want you to be aware that you are more blessed than you may think
and more loved than you know.


The Universe, Divine, God—whatever word you are comfortable
with—truly loves you and wants you to be riding on top of an avalanche of
blessings! But you have to open your eyes to see and acknowledge them. You have
to realize you are blessed, or you may feel like that avalanche is just
shooting you down the mountain! (OK, enough of this snowy metaphor. I’m getting


See your blessings. Feel the love of Divine within those
blessings. Be the blessing for others. And know that Divine love and blessings
are yours. Always.


In joy & love,


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