Divine Inspiration Transcribed!

April 2024
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Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 2:28 am

Have we lost our sense of wonder? Are there so many cool technical gizmos and theatrical whizbangs out there that we lose our ability to grasp the significance of the world around us? Do we not see the wonder of the universe, and of our place in it? Have we lost that child-like experience of our environment, wherein every little thing seems magical?

How many computer-enhanced movies or television shows have you seen? Probably many by now. So the physically “impossible” is shown, over and over again, to be within the realm of visual reality. It’s hard to tell what is real and what is not sometimes, isn’t it? After all, with the advances in technology that is making the science fiction of yesterday into today’s reality, what is there left to hold in the prism of wonder?

Let me take you on an expedition of wonder. Let’s start with getting up in the morning. I know, what’s so wondrous about that? Well, think about it. We take for granted that, while we are not consciously awake and aware, our bodies continue breathing. We don’t have to think about it or even be awake! All night long, we have been breathing. All night long, our bodies have been doing all of the jobs they need to do to keep us alive, able to wake up in the morning. So, merely waking up–alive–is the first wonder.

The second is our sight. When we open our eyes, we can see the world around us. Yes, some of us may have to put on glasses or pop in contacts in order to see clearly, but see we do. Ask those who have lost, or never had, their sense of sight, and let them tell you how wondrous that gift would be.

Next, for those of us in developed countries, we usually walk into a bathroom with a flushing toilet and running water. Both hot and cold. In the house! It really has only been a short time in our history where we have had that luxury. Isn’t it wondrous that what was once an extravagance only the rich could afford is now such a taken-for-granted part of our daily lives?

So, after washing up in the morning, we usually putter into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Whether you are a hearty breakfast eater, or simply a banana-grabber or a cereal slurper, your kitchen is probably well-lit and appointed with the wondrous “basics” of sink, stove, oven, and refridgerator. We don’t consider our appliances wondrous, of course. But they are. No more fires to build, wood to chop and haul, ice to break apart in winter and store for the warmer months. And don’t even get me started on growing and slaughtering your own food. Aren’t grocery stores one of the wonders of modern life?

So, you’re up, breakfasted, and off to work. Unless you work from home, I’m assuming you have to take some sort of transportation to work. Cars. buses, trains, subways. Wondrous, wondrous, wondrous! No aching miles to walk, no horses or oxen to feed and clean up after in order to have some sort of transport. So cool.

Now, work may not be your favorite subject, but think about the fact that, in most places in the developed world, you have a myriad of choices for your work. Women, expecially, have more choices now than ever before. I’m old enough to remember the olden days when women’s choices were wife, cleaning lady, secretary, nurse, or teacher. Now, women have not always stuck to those roles, but there was a time when those were the socially-approved options. That, of course, has changed over the course of a few generations due to the resolve of many women to change that mind-set and societal given.

So, you go to work, you come home and reverse your day, not really paying attention to the many truly wondrous things around you. Computers, smart phones, latte machines. All very cool.

But what about our environment? Do you even pay attention to the world around you? Are you so busy concentrating on the next task that you miss what’s really important? The glint of sunlight on your daughter’s silky-fine hair, the crocus plants pushing out of the ground to announce spring’s arrival, the stars and planets up in the sky, the feel of wind on your face, a smile from your sweetie?

We are surrounded by wonder every day. We have simply lost the ability to recognize it. Of course, you can’t run around proclaiming to all who will listen, “I’m breathing!”  or gaze in amazement at the subway car that just pulled up. You could garner some strange looks, if not commitment proceedings. But, taking a few moments every day to quietly acknowledge the simple yet wondrous things that surround you is one way to make sure you never lose your sense of wonder, your ability to see the magical gifts in your life.

I read a quote from a medical doctor who, when asked if the scientific study of medicine took all of the wonder out of the human body for him, he insisted that the more he knew, the more the whole thing amazed him. I understand exactly what he’s talking about. Because the more you delve into the mechanics and science of anything, the more there is to fascinate you, and the more you are humbled by the painstaking brilliance of the Divine presence that created everything in the universe(s). Allow yourself to get to that innocent state of wonder, where everything has the capacity to fascinate and astound.

Open your heart and mind to wonder. It truly is a wonderful life! You simply have to–like Ferris Bueller–stop and look around.

In joy and love,


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