Divine Inspiration Transcribed!

November 2012
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Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 9:53 am


A lot has been said over the years about gratitude, especially for the things you have and those you love. At this “giving thanks” time of year, it is imperative that we look beyond gratitude to the true feeling behind it.

What is gratitude? I believe it is love, focused. When we are grateful for our lives and our blessings and the people we love, we are basically focusing on the love part. And, even though we are told to be grateful for the things we don’t love–the illness, the loss, the parts of life that are not as fun–we are most truly grateful for the things we do love.

Therefore, gratitude is simply love, focused on specific things

We are grateful for things in our life because we, ultimately, love them. We love the people in our lives, we often love the place we live, we even love the big-screen TV or the new car. And that’s OK. It’s OK to love and appreciate your stuff. I am grateful for the comfy couch I often relax upon. I’m grateful for its coziness and warmth. Do I love my couch? Not really. But I love the way I feel when I’m snuggled onto it.

So, while you may love your family and love your life, you usually “love” your stuff because of the way it makes you feel, how it enhances your life, how it makes life easier.

I love my kitchen. It makes me feel happy. It makes cooking easier and more fun. The colors brighten my mood. But, do I literally love each drawer and cupboard, each appliance? Not really. But I am grateful for the way the various parts of my kitchen have enhanced my life. I love how it has made my life easier and more fun.

If gratitude is love, focused, what do you want to focus on? What parts of your life do you love and therefore have gratitude for?

During this time of Thanksgiving, before the Christmas hype overwhelms and the gratitude gets lost in the holiday shuffle, take a few moments and decide what you are most grateful for, and really feel the love behind that gratitude. Are you thankful for that person in your life because you truly love them, or because they make your life easier, better somehow? Do you love your car because you truly love metal and plastic, or do you love how your car makes you feel–how it enhances and eases your life?

Look behind the gratitude to the love. Focus on that love, because love is what we are truly grateful for. Love is what keeps us in the so-called game of life.

Be thankful. Be grateful. Be love personified.

And enjoy this wonderful time of Thanksgiving!



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